Monday, September 3, 2007

Once You Were a Wish

There is a child waiting,
I feel her in my heart.
Her arms are soft and warm,
Her eyes sparkle with happiness,
Her giggle a song of love.

There is a child waiting,
I hear her cry in the night.
I pray for those who hold her close,
Those who dry her tears,
Calm her fears,
Teach her how to love.

There is a child home now,
Her, “Forever Home”.
Her cries I hear,
I calm her fears,
I dry her tears.
I pray for those who taught her how to love.

There is a child home now,
Her laughter fills the air with music.
Her hugs warm my very soul.
For once you were a wish, a prayer.
Then, God heard my cries.

I pray each day for those who loved you.
Who gave you life,
Who calmed your fears,
Who dried your tears,
And taught you how to love.

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